Friday 15 April 2011

update on the update on the hip saga..............

You know sometimes I wish I never opened my mouth!

The hip had been OK for nearly 48 hours and now I am back to square one. Its so sore I don't know what to do with myself whilst I am waiting for my cocktail of medications to kick in. Why its hurting so much I don't know, I don't recall doing anything to it that made me yelp.

Actually just having written this I remember being on the phone to Miss F a good friend and I was wiggling my legs around and I moved it too far to the left. It was hurting a little before hand but now its much worse.

The pain in concentrated just below the left buttock and feels like someone has just kicked me. I am lying on my stomach as sitting is just too painful. Please let my stomach work and let these pain meds work their magic.

I think I am going to have to resort to crutches to hobble around.


The Myasthenia Kid said...

OMG over 1,000 hits on my blog! Never dreamed this would happen. Thank you xx

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Rachel .. I know it's a couple of days later .. but quite honestly not sure what I can say .. just thinking of you ..

1,000 hits - that's fantastic .. I must get my stats up somehow ..

Cheers Hilary