I had a little play around with my blog earlier and have changed things around a little bit. You may have noticed that there is now a twitter update for me, a list of blogs I am following, plus some fish swimming aimlessly about. Please feel free to feed the fish! All you need to do is click your mouse on their pond and bits of food will be left there! This starts a feeding frenzy they are actually quite relaxing to watch.....that sounds a bit sad.
I'm not very good at keeping real fish, all the ones I had a kid tended to die from fin rot, so sooner than we had intended they all took the last flush to fish heaven. It used to really upset me that these fish died in my care. I'm good with furry animals like hamsters and dogs, it seems fish and house plants were never meant to do well in my care.
I thought I would share a couple of pictures with you that were taken earlier today. I've often talked about my early warning system Frankie and how when I am particularly rough he stays with me. As I am typing this he is at the end of my bed asleep. He has a habit that around 3 days before I crash he will stay with me constantly until I pick up again. For the last week or so he has been like my shadow. today however mummy Mollie got involved and she wouldn't leave my side until Frankie took over. I didn't have my mobile with me at the time so I couldn't get a picture of her. I did however manage to catch Frankie.
Frankie on duty |
This is Frankie fast asleep on my feet this afternoon whilst I am lying on the sofa! He has to be touching me when I am ill so he knows when I get up so he can follow me! The girls had put themselves to bed for an afternoon nap and normally Frankie would have followed them. Today he stayed with me from 1500-2200 just sitting on my feet making sure I was OK.
Mum moves I change position! |
Obviously at some point in that seven hour period I moved, that's OK Frankie had it covered! I changed from having my feet on the sofa to moving them to the coffee table. Frankie just moved and lay his head on my lap. He is one soppy dog! Its such a shame that he is so scared of other dogs that he gets all barky and silly when he meets them. He can be very loud when we have people at the house, he's just doing his job protecting his mum, give him a carrot and hes your friend for life!
I thought I would also show you pictures of a couple of plants in the garden that are doing well in all the sunshine and showers we have been having.
Pink Broom
Sorry the picture is a bit out of focus as the wind blew! They are quite small pink flowers but very vivid so its a nice bit of colour in the garden whilst we are waiting for the Lobelia and Begonias to grow.
Again another out of focus photo! My eyes haven't been brilliant today but I hope you can gather its like a giant daisy. Ive always loved Marguerite's and this one my parents bought me last week end its more than doubled in size in the last week. It was very pot bound when it was re-planted so its roots are probably squealing with delight.
I know two posts in one day! I wont be on tomorrow as Hubs is day off and I will be spending time with him rather than being on the computer.
Thanks for reading xx
Rach, The flowers appear to be doing quite well!! Your dogs are so beautiful, Frankie has a special gift. It must be a great comfort to know he is nearby. We had a German Shepard who slept near my sister as a child, she would wake my mom if my sister had any asthma attacks. I also fed the fish!!
Hi Rachel,
Thank you for your lovely comments.
Frankie is a very good boy looking after me. The girls are good too and will take over to give him a break, but he is a mummies boy!
Its funny you should say that about your German Shepard as when I lived at home we had two Yorkshire terriers that would wake my mum by biting her hand (nibbling) when my sister was having a convulsion or had become particularly ill during the night. Dogs are very intuative and I am blessed to have them in my life. Whilst typing this the girls are on the bed with me and Frankie is with his dad!
Thank you for feeding the fish! LOL
Rach xx
I fed the fish!
I remember when Frankie stole my heart; it was many months ago when he sat next to me on the sofa and leaned down (note down, because he does appear to be taller than me when sat down) to listen attentively to my every word. Bless him.
Hi Bird,
Thanks for feeding the fish they are hungry beggars!
I must see if I can find that photo of you and Frankie. I think unfortunately it maybe on my old lap top so may never surface again. It was hilarious though!
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