Thursday, 17 May 2018

Fabric shopping

Well I am still suffering from this cold, I am into the second week of it now and
I am thoroughly sick and tired of being bunged up, sneezing and then rivers
of snot! Oh yes I am such a lady!

Yesterday I had a dentist appointment, those of you who have followed the
blog for sometime know that I have a fear of the dentist. However I would now
say that this fear has become a deep seated phobia. I can’t watch people having
dental treatment on the tv, the sound of the drill makes me sweat and I want to
vomit. The minute the dentist has his hands in my mouth I want to be sick.
It’s hardly surprising, I have had numerous horrific experiences at the dentist all
the way through my childhood up to the age of 37 when I was finally diagnosed.
I still have problems with dentists who don't believe that local anesthetic
doesn’t work properly on me and I have zero pain threshold for my mouth.
Anywhere else on my body I have a high pain threshold but combine abject
terror and a phobia and the minute a dentists tool touches a tooth the pain starts.

Unfortunately I found out I need a lot of work done on my back tooth on
the right upper jaw. Due to EDS my tooth has crumbled, (plus I have a habit
of clenching my teeth). The central portion of my tooth needs removed
and then completely filled. If I had not suffered twice the agony of a dry
socket I would have just asked for the bloody thing to be filled but remembering
the pain from that means I am prepared to put up with 20-30 minutes of dentistry.
But I am already terrified, tearful and just want it to be over. The earliest
appointment I could get which would be easy to attend was 10th July. By easy
to attend I mean hubby wouldn't have to take additional time off work. Both the
dentist and I are in agreement I need to be given some diazepam to get me
through the appointment so I now need to book an appointment with my gp to
see if they will prescribe me one tablet so that I can get through this.

As a reward for wearing my big girl pants my parents took me to a fabric shop in
Exeter. I have never been to a fabric shop having bought all my fabrics online
previously. Actually we had decided to visit the fabric shop long before they
knew I had the dentist. The thought of seeing lots of lovely fabrics was enough
to get me through the dentist appointment. I had decided a few days ago that
I wanted to make a quilt for the lounge wall ( I will probably make a few so we
can change them over at different times of the year) it is featured in this months
Simply Sewing Magazine issue 43 ( page 67) designed by Janet Goddard.

As usual I wanted to make my own version of this pattern, the colours are lovely
that have been used but they won't go with anything in our lounge. So my trip to
the fabric shop was vital so I could decide on my colour theme, which would be
green ( it was a question of shade) and I wanted the triangles to be green
but with wild flashes of colour. These are some of the fabrics I chose

In the bolt at the extreme left of the photo (tiny green triangle) is my plain solid
colour that my triangles will be set into. The next 4 fabrics are Kaffe Fasset I got
rid of the 6th bolt across which is the deep green with the leaves pattern and kept
the one at the end of the table which is a FreeSpirit fabric. I sent a facebook
message to Mr Myasthenia Kid to ensure he was happy with my choices as he
is going to be living with it to. Here was his response!

So you can see he was pleased with my choice.

When I have recovered from my trip out of the house I shall make a start on it.
However I do need to make some clothes as I have bought lots of fabric and
made no clothes as I have been making some birthday presents which is why
I can’t post any photos of my latest makes as it would ruin the surprise. As
soon as the gifts have been given next month ( I know I like to be prepared
and make stuff early!) I will post the photos!

I forgot I did make some soft toys, two little piggies for Jamie as he saw
them in the magazine and on sewing quarter channel 687 (changed on 1st May)
and 78 on freeview and asked me to make them for him. It's the first thing he's
asked me to make something for him.


Carleen said...

Adorable piggies!! Hope you are doing better soon!

The Myasthenia Kid said...

Hi Carleen,
Thankfully yes the cold is slowly going but its taking its sweet time. Still pretty shattered from leaving the house. I have been sleeping quite a bit. I will bounce back soon!
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment
Rach xx